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Bridge into the Woods

Grow Ministries International

Following Jesus Every Day

Grow Ministries International (GMI) is a church-centered, international ministry that empowers people to grow together by following Jesus every day, encouraging others, and sharing God’s love. Our mission is to assist churches to help people connect with Christ and grow spiritually. 

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GMI is a Kansas, USA based non-profit 501c3 ministry that focuses on helping people follow Jesus intentionally. 

Our Story

GMI grew from Lou Fortier's walk with Jesus. He came to know Christ when he was 10 and started reading the Bible every day when he was 13. Within 9 months of spending time with God every day, Jesus changed his life in profound ways, called him to ministry, and set his life on a Christ-centered path. As a pastor, he discovered that the key for maturing God's people was the same thing that changed his life–the Bible. Lou's educational training is in biblical studies and languages (Palm Beach Atlantic University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary). He taught for several schools but is most excited to serve with Liberty University (Go Flames), where he teaches doctoral research classes in ministry. 

Michele and Lou married in 1985. They have 3 children, 1 daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. Their oldest son is the worship pastor of The Bridge Church in Sydney. 

Next Steps

  • Lou is deploying the new every day Bible study (Grow365) that can be used by individuals or customized for congregations. 

  • Grow Church Global is pastor Lou's online, worldwide connection point for people to follow Jesus together (, connect with us online via social media or our mid-week gathering. 

  • We are working to connect Grow365 with college ministries across the USA in the Fall of 2024. 

  • Lou and Michele are part of New City Church in Shawnee, Kansas (, come with us this Sunday. 

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Partner with GMI

We are building and sharing a powerful discipleship tool and would love your help. There is no ministry without a margin, and we are praying for godly partners to help people follow Jesus daily. 

Lou would love to chat with you and discover what is possible in partnership!

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